How to use Evisense as part of the EHCP process

Evisense can help make sure you are ready for your Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) meetings. This video shows how you can use Evisense as part of the EHCP process. 

You can capture critical moments of learning by taking photos, recording video or audio and add it to a child’s profile of learning.

When adding the learning, you can categorise by what we refer to as aspects. These are the 4 Broad Areas of Need taken from the SEND code of practice:

  • Communication & Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social Emotion and Mental Health
  • Sensory and Physical

The aspect can also be used to link evidence to an EHCP outcome or an IEP target. The benefits of this, is you can use them to filter evidence. Before an EHCP meeting, use the EHCP outcome filter to show the evidence you need.

Print the report, selecting the dates you require, perhaps since the last annual review. The report will show how you have supported the student across the 4 Broad Areas of Need.

If there is a video in the report, a QR code will appear. To view the video, just open the App and scan the QR with the camera. The post will open and you can view the video.

For more ‘How To’ videos, click here.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact our support team on 01252 870133 or send an email to

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