Easy to Use Communication Hub for Parents and Schools

How many different systems does your school use to capture evidence of attainment, share Wow moments and reading diaries, send newsletters and event alerts, distribute reports, securely store and share documents linked to EHCPs and Annual Reviews with parents and professionals, record pupil voice, and encourage parents to share information on their children’s achievements outside of school?

Your school can do all that and more with our NEW Evisense!

School report

Post Types

Class Blogs – Tell parents and students what the happening in class.

EHCP/Annual ReviewShare documents linked to EHCPs/Annual Reviews.

EventsShare school events through, including the ability for parents to respond (attending/not attending etc.). Schools can view who has responded.

Evidence – Evidence of learning, capture evidence of attainment and link to skills from our paid for or FREE assessment content (assessment tracking features require an active Connecting Steps subscription).

Home School Diary – Share information between school and home for students.

IEPs – Store student’s IEPs, so that parents can view their child’s targets.

Information from Home Parents can share information with the school. This could be for a variety of reasons, things the student has achieved outside of school etc.

Information from School – Share information to all parents or to parents of students in a specific group. This includes the ability for parents to respond (Read, Not Read). Schools can view who has responded.

Learning Opportunities – Share opportunities to learn with others. This could be a speech and language therapist sharing with teachers and parents what they need to give opportunities to practice.

Newsletters – Share school newsletters. Parents can access all of the newsletters shared with them.

Pupil Voice – Capture the pupil’s voice through audio, video or text, and keep a record of how it changes over time. This can be by the student themselves or supported by the school.

Reading Diary – Capture what children are reading online, quickly and easily. Using the structured post feature, quickly record the book, how many pages read and additional comments.

Reports – Share students reports through Evisense. This will include reports generated by Connecting Steps that will be released in 2024.

Therapist Notes – Therapists can store updates. Combined with structured posts, this can store valuable information.

Wow Moments – Share those wow moments that happen in school with parents. It could be an award, an event or something that just happens.

Want to find out more about EVISENSE?

Book a FREE online meeting to learn about all the features and security in Evisense.

Evisense is safe and secure

Safe and Secure Communication Platform

It is important that data is kept safe and secure. Evisense is GDPR compliant, but this is only the start of the security of Evisense and how we protect you and your data.

Want to try EVISENSE for free?

If you would like to try Evisense, click on the button request a FREE 3 month trial.

Share Evidence of Learning

Easy to Share Information and Engage with Parents

Evisense is a great way to share information with parents, it helps parents see the different opportunities their child has and they get to see their child’s achievements, however big or small. Evisense makes communicating with parents easy and secure.

Want to find out more about EVISENSE?

Book a FREE online meeting to learn about all the features and security in Evisense.

Improve Your Assessment Process using Evisense

The traditional way of sharing assessment information with parents as a value or a rating at the end of the year doesn’t tell the parent much about their child’s learning. For pupils with SEND a wide range of skills they are working on are not covered by typical assessment processes. This is one of the ways that Evisense can support the assessment process.

The features have had great feedback

With over 220 schools using Evisense, see what our customers have to say…