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B Squared Ltd, the creator of Evisense, is a UK based company, working within education for over 25 years.

B Squared products are all about showing the small steps of progress pupils with SEND make. View the wide range of products available below.



Our NEW Evisense includes a long list of new features to help your school capture and share the progress your pupils make. It can also simplify your communication with pupils, parents and external professionals, making Evisense a great way to boost parental engagement and improve pupil outcomes.

Simplify communication with parents – Using Evisense as a parental communication tool.

Capture and share the progress your pupils make – Using Evisense as an evidence of learning system.

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connecting steps

Connecting Steps simplifies tracking, assessing and reporting progress. It works differently to other assessment software, focusing on continuous assessment to help pupils achieve their full potential.

Designed from the start to be flexible and easy to use, Connecting Steps saves teachers’ time. Multiple inclusive frameworks allow schools to track the progress of pupils working at age related expectations (ARE) and pupils with SEND across early years and primary. It also supports pupils with SEND all the way to age 25.

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autism progress

Autism Progress is an observational assessment framework within Connecting Steps, that enables your school or post 16 setting to understand how autism impacts a student. It helps you to provide tailored support for each student and plan their next steps.

Autism Progress is used to create an autism profile of each student across 4 key developmental areas: Communication, Social Interaction, Flexibility of Thought, Emotional Regulation. It gives schools a detailed picture of each autistic student’s capabilities and a range of targeted support strategies to support each student based on their profile.

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The SENDcast is a one-stop-shop for SEND content, with information all in one place for teachers, parents and anyone else supporting children or young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Keep up to date with best practice, policy changes and improve your knowledge around SEND with our free weekly podcast and CPD online training sessions.

Having worked with thousands of schools, the B Squared Team understand the challenges professionals working in SEND face. We created The SENDcast to support teachers, other professionals and parents.

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